There’s a type of monkey that is easily trapped—it’s kind of an ingenious idea, really. The trap involves a jar of peanuts that is just large enough for the monkey to get his hand into. He grabs a handful of peanuts—and refuses to let go. Then the monkey is easily caught or killed, while all he has to do to escape is let go of the peanuts and withdraw his hand from the jar.
Isn’t that how we are sometimes? We grab hold of something we want—a dream, a desire, a possession—and we steadfastly refuse to let go, no matter WHAT. Society has even glorified the idea for us—the concept of “not letting go” of something important is considered a noble one. Don’t get me wrong, determination is an admirable trait, and it has its place; but I’d like to suggest a radical, maybe slightly crazy idea regarding our desires and dreams:
Give them up.
You heard me right; let them go.
I can already hear the clamoring of angry protests: what about hard work? What about accomplishment? You honestly think we should all be lazy and apathetic? How can you even consider the idea of asking people to give up their deepest desires and lifelong dreams??
Before you stone me, let me explain.
Remember the monkey and the peanuts? Often we hold so tight to what we want that it does us harm. It distracts us, traps us, leaves us open to attack from the Enemy of our souls. I know; not because I’ve witnessed it, but because I’ve experienced it. I have grabbed on to a particular dream and steadfastly refused to let it go, trying to make it happen whenever possible—and becoming more and more discouraged every year that passed without that dream coming true. I have neglected other vastly important aspects of my life while chasing something I cannot right now HAVE.
I have been that monkey.
And here is what I have recently learned. Everything comes down to trust: if we are close to our Father in heaven, if we are constantly tethered to Him by prayer, praise, and His Word, if our will is HIS will—then the desires we have have been put there by HIM. What does that mean? It means those desires are very likely part of His plan for us, and will probably come to pass at some point.
But WE have to stay out of the way.
We have to let go and trust. Because like Abraham and Sarah, if we try to jump the gun and make it happen ourselves, we’ll only make a mess of our dreams.
Give them to your Father, He’s much better at making dreams come true than you are.
And when He gives you that dream, that opportunity, when it’s time, and He tells you to move, NOW: that’s where determination comes in. When you feel His release, His blessing on an opportunity, take it and run, and don’t you dare stop until you accomplish it.
Don’t stop working, don’t stop hoping, and don’t stop obeying.
As to MY particular dream, I’m still waiting. So I’m not telling you to do something that I’m not right in the middle of struggling through myself.
Be encouraged, friends, He has your best interests at heart. Give your dreams to Him; He is a better caretaker and smarter strategist for them than you could ever be.
Trust Him.